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Dehorning Paste Reviews

Below are reviews of folks who have used dehorning paste on their young animals.

Free Range Cows
Bottle of Dr. Naylor Dehorning Paste

Worked like it was supposed to -- 

J. Ward

5.0 out of 5 stars (Amazon)

December 2, 2023

Verified Purchase

We followed the instructions on a nursing calf. We opted to apply duct tape over the sites to protect the momma. The tape only stayed in place for about 6 hours, but it worked to keep the paste from burning momma when nursing. Worked like it was supposed to, both horn buds died out and a couple months later you can barely tell.

Click the Button for

a PDF of Instructions

Dr. Naylor bottle of dehorning paste

It worked - No trauma

Julie T.

Five out of Five Stars -

July 27, 2023 

“One application and it worked
No trauma to calf
Will continue to use this product”

Dairy cow and calf
Goat kid in flowers

We use it  . . . each year.

Dana Lynn

5.0 out of 5 stars  (Amazon)

January 31, 2023

This product works so well. We use it on goats each year.

The ease of use of this product is so nice compared to burning horns off my goats. 1 little circle on each horn the day after they are born, done! I just wish it was a bigger container.

Od roku 1926 poskytuje Dr. Naylor Animal Health Products vysoce kvalitní a cenově dostupné produkty pro zdraví zvířat, kterým důvěřují generace majitelů domácích mazlíčků. Naše produkty jsou hrdě vyráběny ve státě New York a jsou formulovány tak, aby byly účinné a šetrné ke zvířatům. Jsme rodinná firma a od svého založení se věnujeme zdraví a štěstí zvířat. Naše produkty jsou navrženy tak, aby podporovaly celkové zdraví a pohodu vašeho domácího mazlíčka nebo hospodářského zvířete. Vyzkoušejte naše produkty a zjistěte, proč farmáři a majitelé domácích zvířat důvěřují produktům Dr. Naylor Animal Health již téměř 100 let.

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