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Dehorning Methods & Tools

Open bottle of dehorning paste

Caustic Paste Disbudding

The combination of caustic substances in dehorning paste cauterizes tissue and prevents horn growth.

Dehorning with Obstetrical or Embryotomy Wire

A long piece of wire is attached to two handles, then moved back and forth rapidly to saw through the horn base plus a ½-inch circle of skin.

Hand Saw Dehorning

In this method of dehorning, a hand saw is used to remove the horn along with a ½-inch ring of skin around the horn base.

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Hot-Iron Disbudding

An iron is heated to red hot, then held firmly to the horn bud for about 20 seconds, destroying the horn-producing cells and preventing further growth.

Keystone or Guillotine Dehorning

A keystone dehorner has two handles that move a blade downward against a plate or another blade, slicing through the base of the horn and surrounding skin.

A double-sided knife for dehorning calves.

Knife Dehorning

In this dehorning method, a knife is used to cut away skin around and under the horn bud, surgically removing the horn from the base tissue.

The Barnes or "Gouger" Dehorning

A Barnes dehorner is a hinged, closed set of sharp scoops which is placed over the horn against the base and surrounding skin.

Stainless Steel Tube Dehorning Tool

Tube, Cup or Spoon Dehorning

A circular blade is pushed into the skin around the horn bud, then rotated and tilted to gouge out the horn.

1926 年以来、Dr. Naylor Animal Health Products は、何世代にもわたるペットの飼い主から信頼されている高品質で手頃な価格の動物用健康製品を提供してきました。当社の製品はニューヨーク州で誇りを持って製造されており、効果的で動物に優しいように配合されています。当社は家族経営の企業であり、創業以来動物の健康と幸福に専念してきました。当社の製品は、家庭のペットや家畜の全体的な健康と幸福を促進するように設計されています。当社の製品を試して、農家やペットの飼い主が 100 年近くにわたってネイラー博士の動物用健康製品を信頼してきた理由を発見してください。


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