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Dehorning Paste Reviews

Below are reviews of folks who have used dehorning paste on their young animals.

Free Range Cows
Bottle of Dr. Naylor Dehorning Paste

Worked like it was supposed to -- 

J. Ward

5.0 out of 5 stars (Amazon)

December 2, 2023

Verified Purchase

We followed the instructions on a nursing calf. We opted to apply duct tape over the sites to protect the momma. The tape only stayed in place for about 6 hours, but it worked to keep the paste from burning momma when nursing. Worked like it was supposed to, both horn buds died out and a couple months later you can barely tell.

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a PDF of Instructions

Dr. Naylor bottle of dehorning paste

It worked - No trauma

Julie T.

Five out of Five Stars -

July 27, 2023 

“One application and it worked
No trauma to calf
Will continue to use this product”

Dairy cow and calf
Goat kid in flowers

We use it  . . . each year.

Dana Lynn

5.0 out of 5 stars  (Amazon)

January 31, 2023

This product works so well. We use it on goats each year.

The ease of use of this product is so nice compared to burning horns off my goats. 1 little circle on each horn the day after they are born, done! I just wish it was a bigger container.

1926년부터 Dr. Naylor Animal Health Products는 수 세대에 걸쳐 반려동물 주인들이 신뢰해 온 고품질의 저렴한 동물 건강 제품을 제공해 왔습니다. 우리 제품은 자랑스럽게 뉴욕주에서 만들어지며 동물에게 효과적이고 부드럽게 작용하도록 제조되었습니다. 우리는 가족 소유 기업이며 창립 이래로 동물의 건강과 행복에 전념해 왔습니다. 당사 제품은 애완동물이나 농장 동물의 전반적인 건강과 복지를 증진하도록 설계되었습니다. 당사의 제품을 사용해보고 농부와 애완동물 주인이 거의 100년 동안 Dr. Naylor Animal Health Products를 신뢰하게 된 이유를 알아보십시오.

우리는 항상 귀하의 의견에 관심이 있습니다.

이야기와 이미지를 공유하세요. 

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